European Academy of Sociology
Publication Prizes

EAS Distinguished Publication Prizes

2024: Prize given to Per Engzell and Carina Mood for their article "Understanding patterns and trends in income mobility through multiverse analysis." American Sociological Review, 88 (2023), 600-626.

2023: Prize given to Amalia Álvarez-Benjumea for her article "Uncovering hidden opinions: Social norms and the expression of xenophobic attitudes." European Sociological Review, 39 (2023): 449-463.
2023: Prize given to Olivier Godechot, Joanne Horton, and Yuval Millo for their article "Executive pay: Board reciprocity counts." European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 63 (2022): 165-211.

2022: Prize given to Deni Mazrekaj, Kristof De Witte, and Sofie Cabus for their article "School outcomes of children raised by same-sex parents: Evidence from administrative panel data." American Sociological Review, 85 (2020): 830-856.

2021: Prize given to Martin Abraham, Andreas Damelang, Veronika Grimm, Christina Neeß, and Micheal Seebauer for their article "The Role of Reciprocity in the Creation of Reputation." European Sociological Review 37 (2021): 137-154.

2019: Prize given to Robert Braun for his article "Minorities and the Clandestine Collective Action Dilemma: The Secret Protection of Jews during the Holocaust." American Journal of Sociology 124 (2018): 263-308.

2018: Prize given to Aaron Reeves, Sam Friedman, Charles Rahal, and Magne Flemmen for their article “The Decline and Persistence of the Old Boy: Private Schools and Elite Recruitment 1897 to 2016.” American Sociological Review 82 (2017): 1139-1166.

2017: Prize given to Julien Brailly for his article "Dynamics of Networks in Trade Fairs. A Multilevel Relational Approach to the Cooperation among Competitors." Journal of Economic Geography 16 (2016): 1279-1301.

2016: Prize given to Mark Lutter for his article “Do Women Suffer from Network Closure? The Moderating Effect of Social Capital on Gender Inequality in a Project-Based Labor Market, 1929 to 2010.” American Sociological Review 80 (2015): 329-358.
2016: Prize given to David Brady and Amie Bostic for their article “Paradoxes of Social Policy Welfare Transfers, Relative Poverty, and Redistribution Preferences.” American Sociological Review, 80 (2015): 268-298.

2015: Prize given to Antonie Knigge, Ineke Maas, and Marco van Leeuwen for their article "Sources of Sibling (Dis)similarity: Total Family Impact on Status Variation in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century". American Journal of Sociology 120 (2014), 908-948.

2014: Prize given to Javier Polavieja for his article "Socially Embedded Investments: Explaining Gender Differences in Job-Specific Skills", American Journal of Sociology 18 (2012): 592-634.
2014: Prize given to Heiko Rauhut for his article "Beliefs about Lying and Spreading of Dishonesty: Undetected Lies and Their Constructive and Destructive Social Dynamics in Dice Experiments". PLoS One 8 (2013): e77878.

2013: Prize given to Monica Prasad for her book "The Land of Too Much: American Abundance and the Paradox of Poverty.", Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
2013: Prize given to Clemens Kroneberg and Andreas Wimmer for their article "Struggling Over the Boundaries of belonging: A Formal Model of Nation Building, Ethnic Closure, and Populism", American Journal of Sociology 118 (2012): 176-230.

2011: Prize given to Balazs Vedres and David Stark for their article “Structural Folds: Generative Disruption in Overlapping Groups”, American Journal of Sociology 115 (2010): 1150-1190.
2011: Prize given to Camille Roth and Jean-Philippe Cointet for their article ”Social and Semantic Coevolution in Knowledge Networks“, Social Networks 32 (2010): 16-29.

2010: Prize given to Ivan Ermakoff for his book “Ruling Oneself Out. A Theory of Collective Abdication”. Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2008.
2010: Prize given to Stijn Ruiter and Frank Tubergen for their article “Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries”, American Journal of Sociology 115 (2009): 863-895.

2009: Prize given to Steven Pfaff for his book “Exit-Voice Dynamics and the Collapse of East Germany. The Crisis of Leninism and the Revolution of 1989”, Duke University Press 2006.
2009: Prize given to Vincent Buskens and Arnout van de Rijt for their article “Dynamics of networks if everyone strives for structural holes”, American Journal of Sociology 114 (2008): 371-407.

2008: Prize given to Rolf Ziegler for his work on “The Kula Ring of Bronislaw Malinowski”, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

2006: Prize given to Stathis N. Kalyvas for his book “The Logic of Violence in Civil War”, Cambridge University Press.

2005: Prize given to Marek Kaminski for his book "Games Prisoners Play. The Tragic World of Polish Prison", Princeton University Press.