European Academy of Sociology
Annual Lectures at Meetings of the European Academy of Sociology

September 22-23, 2023, Paris: 22th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Kristian Bernt Karlson "The making and unmaking of opportunity: How and why intergenerational educational mobility changed over the 20th century in Denmark"
Short Lecture 1: Deni Mazrekaj "School outcomes of children raised by same-sex parents: Evidence from administrative panel data"
Short Lecture 2: Paola Tubaro "Inequalities in the digital platform economy"

October 28-29, 2022, Paris: 21th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Dominik Hangartner "New evidence on ethnic discrimination from online recruiting"
Short Lecture 1: Martin Abraham "The role of reciprocity (and other mechanisms) in the creation of reputation"
Short Lecture 2: Louis-André Vallet "Social mobility and meritocracy: An overview of empirical research about France (with a brief comparative perspective)"

October 22-23, 2021, Paris: 20th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Ozan Aksoy "Commitment through sacrifice: How longer Ramadan fasting strengthens political Islam"
Short Lecture: Robert Braun "Minorities and the clandestine collective action dilemma: The secret protection of Jews during the Holocaust"

September 27-28, 2019, Paris: 19th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Christoph Stadtfeld "The dynamics of social networks: How social ties emerge and impact our lives"
Short Lecture 1: Aaron Reeves and Sam Friedman "The decline and persistence of the old boy: Private schools and elite recruitment 1897 to 2016"
Short Lecture 2: Balazs Vedres "Forbidden triads and innovation: From Miles Davis to Fallout"

October 19-20, 2018, Paris: 18th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Arnout van de Rijt "A critical reexamination of cumulative advantage as a mechanism for inequality and disruptor of meritocracy"
Short Lecture 1: Julien Brailly "Dynamics of networks in trade fairs. A multilevel relational approach to the cooperation among competitors"
Short Lecture 2: Lucinda Platt "The evolution of girls’ and boys’ occupational aspirations across ethnic groups in the UK"
Short Lecture 3: Laszlo Polos "Bayesian models of the exploitation of conceptual background knowledge: Sociological consequences"

October 20-21, 2017, Paris: 17th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Delia Baldassarri "Cooperation in complex societies: How does ethnic diversity affect pro-social behavior in contemporary communities?"
Short Lecture 1: David Brady "Paradoxes of social policy welfare transfers, relative poverty, and redistribution preferences"
Short Lecture 2: Mark Lutter "Do women suffer from network closure? The moderating effect of social capital on gender inequality in a project-based labor market, 1929 to 2010"

October 21-22, 2016, Paris: 16th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Richard Breen “Education and social mobility in Europe and the United States”
Short Lecture 1: Antonie Knigge "Sources of sibling (dis)similarity: Total family impact on status variation in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century"
Short Lecture 2: Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund “Additive or multiplicative disadvantage? The scarring effects of unemployment for ethnic minorities”

October 23-24, 2015, Paris: 15th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Diego Gambetta "Engineers of Jihad. The curious connection between education and voilent extremism"
Short Lecture 1: Javier Polavieja "Socially embedded investment: Explaining gender differences in job-specific skills"
Short Lecture 2: Heiko Rauhut "Beliefs about lying and spreading of dishonesty: Undetected lies and their constructive and destructive social dynamics in dice experiments"

October 24-25, 2014, Paris: 14th regular meeting

Raymond Boudon Lecture: Francesco Billari "Becoming a parent in the twenty-first century”
Short Lecture 1: Clemens Kroneberg and Andreas Wimmer “Struggling over the boundaries of belonging. A formal model of nation building, ethnic closure, and populism”
Short Lecture 2:  Monica Prasad “Land of too much” 

October 25-26, 2013, Paris: 13th regular meeting

In memoriam Raymond Boudon († April 10, 2013)

Annual Lecture: Sanjeev Goyal: "Social structure and economic activity"
Short Lecture 1: Emmanuel Lazega "Network analyses, structures and social processes in collective action"
Short Lecture 2: Dirk Helbing "The Homo Socialis and Its Implications".

October 19-20, 2012, Paris: 12th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Vincent Buskens and Werner Raub "Trust and testosterone: Theory and empirical evidence".
Short Lecture 2: Camille Roth and Jean-Philippe Cointet "Social and semantic coevolution in knowledge networks".
Short Lecture 1: Balazs Vedres "Structural Folds: Generative disruption in overlapping groups".

October 21-22, 2011, Paris: 11th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Peter Hedström “On analytical sociology”.
Short Lecture 1: Stijn Ruiter and Frank van Tubergen “Religious attendance in cross-national perspective: A multilevel analysis of 60 countries”.
Short Lecture 2: Ivan Ermakoff “Ruling oneself out. A theory of collective abdication”.

October 22-23, 2010, Paris: 10th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Hans-Peter Blossfeld: “The new National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) in Germany. Need, main features, research potential”.
Short Lecture 1: Vincent Buskens: “Dynamics of networks if everyone strives for structural holes”.
Short Lecture 2: Steven J. Pfaff: “Fight or flight? Exit-voice dynamics and East German revolution”.

October 23-24, 2009, Paris: 9th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Tom Snijders "Network dynamics in the micro-macro link”
Short Lecture 1: Siegwart Lindenberg “The power of cues: Governing via the environment”
Short Lecture 2: Andreas Diekmann “Signalling theory and social norms”

October 24-25, 2008, Paris: 8th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Peter Abell “History, case statistics and causality”
Short Lecture 1: Stathis Kalyvas “What have we learned about civil wars in the past ten years?”
Short Lecture 2: Rolf Ziegler “The Kula Ring of Bronislaw Malinowski – Co-evolution of an economic and ceremonial exchange system”

October 21-22, 2006, Oxford, Nuffield College: 7th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Lord Ralf Dahrendorf “The rise of meritocracy revisited”
Short Lecture 1: Michael Hechter “Alien rule and its discontents”
Short Lecture 2: Hartmut Esser “Language acquisition and ethnic inequality”

October 22-23, 2005, Paris: 6th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Gudmund Hernes “Lost in translation”

October 23-24, 2004, Paris: 5th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Peter Sztompka: "Sociology among other sciences. Crossing borders and tearing down walls"

October 25-26, 2003, Paris: 4th regular meeting

Annual Lecture: John Goldthorpe: "Sociology as social science: Some further thoughts"

November 11-12, 2002, Paris: 3rd regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Wolfgang Schluchter: "The sociology of law as an empirical theory of validity"

October 26-27, 2001, Paris: 2nd regular meeting

Annual Lecture: Raymond Boudon: "Sociology that really matters" (ESR)