European Academy of Sociology - Fellows
Prof. Dr. Ir. Tanja van der Lippe
Department of Sociology / ICS
Universiteit Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
3584 CS Utrecht
The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Ir. Tanja van der Lippe
Tanja van der Lippe is Professor of Sociology of Households and Employment Relations at the Department of Sociology and Research School (ICS) of Utrecht University. Her research interests are in the area of work–family linkages in Dutch and other societies, for which she received a number of large-scale grants from the Dutch and European Science Foundation. She has published extensively on the division of labor between spouses, time use and time pressure in a comparative way, and labor market positions of men and women in western and eastern European countries. Her publications include Women’s Employment in a Comparative Perspective (with Liset van Dijk and Aldine de Gruyter, 2001), Competing Claims in Work and Family Life (with Pascale Peters, Edward Elgar, 2007) and articles in journals such as Annual Review of Sociology, Acta Sociologica, European Sociological Review, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Journal of Management, and Work, Employment and Society.